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  • savings on services such as fillers and neuromodulators such as Botox,
  • savings on wellness products such as glutathione and various injections


two black headphones on brown wooden table

About Dr Fozouni

Dr. Fozouni is the man and physician that he is directly as the result of his mother’s traumatic birth experiences. She went through three difficult deliveries, including a high forceps extraction a delivery of large baby and a breech extraction; all with their own dramatic resultant injuries and with almost no post-partum care.
It was these experiences that committed Dr. Fozouni to a life of service to the health and wellbeing of women. He wanted to ensure that no woman under his care would have to endure the trauma, pain, and loneliness that his own mother experienced to give him, and his siblings, life.
Dr. Fozouni has had the honor of delivering nearly 10,000 babies at Desert Regional Medical Center since November 2007 with a primary c-section rate of only 5.8%. Not only has he participated in the delivery of his own three children, he has even delivered over 30 children and grandchildren to one extended family here in the Coachella valley.
Although his original and primary passion in life is helping women as they grow their families, throughout his years of medical service, his patients have asked for support in other aspects in their life as well. Many of his patients asked for help in dealing with their stretch marks and skin laxity. Others were unhappy with their localized hyperpigmentation and melasma. Yet others struggled to lose excess weight gained during their pregnancies. And nearly everyone wanted to know how to minimize the effects of age and sun damage on their skin, in addition to loss of their natural endogenous hormones.
That is why, starting in 2018, Dr. Fozouni began offering various Laser, IPL, and Radio Frequency-based procedures to help patients feel confident and beautiful in their own skin. Dr. Fozouni has continued to expand his knowledge base and treatment options and now also offers office-based laser liposuction & body contouring, injectables such as BOTOX and dermal fillers and various other modalities, including wellness therapies. And Dr. Fozouni will continue to expand his knowledge base and integrate the latest available techniques, modalities and principles to assist his patients in all their female medical, wellness, and aesthetic needs.

Esmeralda Torres

Esmeralda has been with us since 2009 and she is the jack-of-all-trades in our office, making sure billing, managing, and scheduling are all done well. She is our de facto office leader with over 20 years of experience in the cosmetics and beauty industry. Esmeralda is familiar with all of the procedures we offer in our office and she can handle any and all of your questions from financing to procedures to skin care regiments.

MaryEllen Rodriguez MA

MaryEllen joined our team in early 2020 as our “hired gun” because she can do it all. Not only is MaryEllen Rodriguez a Medical Assistant by training but she also serves in the front office, back office, scheduling, and multiple other responsibilities. Congratulate her on the birth of her new daughter when you see her next time.

"Dr. Fozouni is amazing. I am so grateful I found him."
"I am so thankful for Dr. Fozouni and all he has done for me."
"Dr. Fozouni is the best doctor I have ever had."
"Dr. Fozouni is the best doctor I have ever had."
"Dr. Fozouni truly cares what I have to say, and calls my unborn baby by her actual name."
"I loved Dr. Fozouni. I will definitely return to him when I have my next child."
"I loved Dr. Fozouni. I will definitely return to him when I have my next child."